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  • Writer's pictureMoira Yeldon

Are you ready to be transformed?

What Is Transformation?

Personal transformation is a conscious commitment to get to a position where we feel happy with the life we are living. Transformation lies at the heart of positive mental health and wellbeing.


When writing fiction, transformation is at the heart of all stories. Character archetypes are important as facets of the protagonist’s inner struggle to change.


Transformation is an important aspect of all our lives. Any change will affect us, but life will keep rolling on. If we don’t keep going, it will roll right over us. It’s easier to face the chaos and accept the transformation.


In my novel, ‘Where Dragonflies Dream’, the characters in the story, like dragonflies, all undergo major transformation in their lives. In the younger characters it is more obvious as they change from troubled teens to mature young adults.


The common metaphysical representation of a dragonfly is transformation, change, or new beginnings.


Symbols Of Transformation


Transformation can be viewed as shedding an older version of yourself to make room for the new. It is modelled on the dragonfly’s need to shed its "exuvia" (unwanted skin).


Before this growth process is complete, the dragonfly lives most of its life as a nymph or an immature adult. The nymph stage of the dragonfly life cycle can last up to four years when the dragonfly larvae live underwater as wingless insects.


Most adult dragonflies only live for a few months after their transformation and the opportunity to fly lasts only a mere fraction of their precious life span.


Some Amazing Facts about Dragonflies


Dragonflies are courageous and have a good survival instinct. It is an exhausting task for the nymphs to crawl out of their exoskeleton and free their wings.


They are the oldest insect even predating the dinosaurs and when they lived about 275 million years ago, they were said to have a wingspan of 75cm.


Dragonflies are incredibly adaptable and during the nymph stage, they move quickly in the water forcing water out behind their bodies, the way jet skis move.


Their agility makes them top predators as they hunt other flying insects. Larger nymphs will eat tadpoles and minnows. They have a lower jaw they extend using hydrostatic pressure to capture prey as it swims past. The adults chase down their prey, ambush it from behind, and capture up to 95% of what they hunt.


Dragonflies can hover or fly in any direction rotating each of their four wings independently. They are incredibly fast flyers and can accelerate with a lot of force compared to their body size.


Despite their pointed tail, dragonflies do not sting. Instead, they use their amazing flying skills and ability to track the movement of insects they catch in mid-flight, using their legs to hold the prey.


They have a method to protect themselves from overheating called "obelisking". An adult dragonfly will perch with its abdomen held vertically, exposing a minimal amount of their body to the sun’s rays. To cool off, they skim the surface of a pond or lake.


Love Life of a Dragonfly


Dragonfly mating is easily identifiable as the pair forms a heart-shaped mating wheel. Usually around the water’s edge, a male dragonfly will grab a female by the back of her neck with claspers at the end of his abdomen, creating the heart-shaped wheel.


Once the pair has formed their wheel, they will fly together in tandem until the female lifts her abdomen up to the male’s accessory organ. The process may take a few minutes or several hours, depending on the species.


After mating occurs, the pair may separate and fly away, or the territorial male may follow the female to guard her from other males while she lays eggs in the water. After laying the eggs, dragonflies will mate a few more times during their precious short life span as adults.


Myths and Legends About Dragonflies


As the dragonfly represents swiftness, illusion, and change, it has been sometimes associated with shapeshifting. But dragonflies are far from evil. They are, in fact, important to their environments both as predators (of mosquitos) and as prey to birds and fish.


Because dragonflies require stable oxygen levels and clean water, scientists consider them reliable bioindicators of a healthy ecosystem.


Benefits of Being a Dragonfly


  • Their main objective is to mate before dying.

  • Dragonflies don't usually die of old age. 

  • For some Native Americans, they represent the souls of those who have passed into the realm of the nonphysical.

  • In Japanese culture, the dragonfly is considered a positive symbol of courage, happiness, and rebirth.

  • According to Chinese feng shui, placing a dragonfly image in your home or workplace will bring happiness and prosperous new beginnings.

  •  In India, it's long been said that dragonflies enable us to receive intuitive guidance from our Higher Self.


If you hold out your hand, dragonflies are known to land on your finger. They are thought by some to be angels or messengers of the gods.


Like the dragonfly, we all shimmer in our own way. We just need to transform ourselves and reveal our brilliant inner beauty. Some say dragonflies bring you good luck. The sight of them will surely bring you joy. I hope my book will also bring you joy.

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